
AIR-G research would not be possible without our in-house, national and international collaboration.

Would you like to collaborate?

Get in touch.

Ghent University Hospital - Department of radiology - Belgium

Ghent University Hospital - Department of rheumatology - Belgium

Akademiska Sjukhuset Uppsala - Sweden

Amsterdam Academic Medical Center - The Netherlands

Erasmus MC Rotterdam - The Netherlands

Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research and Center for Rhematology and Spine Diseases - Denmark

Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Lausanne - Switzerland


Hospital da Luz Lisbon - Portugal

Hospital Sao Joao Porto - Portugal

Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Düsseldorf - Germany

Leeds Teaching Hospitals - UK

Contact: Phil O'Connor, MD

Leicester Royal Infirmary - UK

Leiden University Medical Center - The Netherlands

Medical University Innsbruck - Austria

Medical University of Vienna - Austria

National Institute Of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy - Hungary

Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust - UK

Padova University - Italy

Practice for Radiology, Nuklear Medicine and Radiotherapy, Bottop, Germany

Quine Fabiola Children’s University Hospital of Bruxelles - Belgium

Reade (Rhematology and Rehabilitation Center) - The Netherlands

Ricerche Diagnostiche Bari - Italy

Scientific Institute Hospital Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - Italy

The Sheba Medical Center - Israël

Warshaw Medical University - Poland

Department of Radiology,
Institute of Rheumatology,
Imaging Diagnostic Department

University Hospital Charité - Germany

University Hospital of Lille - France

University Medical Center Maribor - Slovenia

University of Aarhus - Denmark

University of Aarhus - Denmark

University of Alberta - Canada

University Hospitals of Leicester - UK

University Hospital Ulm - Germany